Your Quiz Results and Resources will arrive in your inbox in about 10 mins. In the meantime watch this short but important 7:22 min video I made for you to take your transformation to the next level... (yes it’s only that long so watch it all)

Congratulations! The 7C’s Of Resilience will arrive in your inbox in about 10 minutes. Before you go… WATCH THIS IMPORTANT (insert time) video I made for you to take breaking bad habits and fostering unstoppable progress!


Click the button below to learn more and get ready to establish the foundation YOU need!


Click the button below to book your appointment and get ready to establish the foundation YOU need!


Your Process


Engaging Content




We teach the foundation of properly organizing and systematizing your business through SOPs and custom tailored systems. Helping organizations grow through proper branding, messaging, and content. We make the complicated steps of starting, managing and growing a business simple.


We will analyze and diagnose your current business model and operations. We will be looking for opportunities to merge your existing model and evolve into a systematic, new process, as well as optimizing data handling with processes and systems.


We provide the resources and know how for creating a rigid business structure using technology and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to remove the reliance on a single person. This allows us to use technology for workflow and content creation.


With our experience and network you gain access to high tier business fundamentals to take your business to the next level. The goal is to increase revenue while decreasing overhead, to allow you to work on your business not for your business.


Check out the

14 day curriculum!

Check out the

14 day curriculum!

Day 1:

"Architecting in AWE”

Learn to sit in stillness, while allowing the mind to wander - focusing on the physical body.

DAY 2:

“Starting to Clear the Confusion”

No thought is the thought, is the next step and get the steps needed to start clearing the clutter of your mind.

Day 3:

“The Golden Loop & Learning to Shine”

Start to understand the creating from the “What” and letting go of the “How” releasing all the stress, pressure and anxiety from Success and Failure.

DAY 4:

“Seeking the Silence”

As the mind’s confusion begins to clear the next step deepens the awareness, starting with learning to clear the blocks within the bodies framework.

DAY 5:

"Cleaning house to See clearly”

Filling space to create your desires from true Infinite abundance and the awareness of what is created from the finite space.

DAY 6:

“Transmitter & Receiver”

Learning to harness focused attention & training of the mad-mind.

DAY 7:

“Feel the Flame”

 Training the mind, Architecting Up.

DAY 8:

“Garden of Growth”

To imaginatively, trace an object to is origin, developing your laser, like focused imagination.

DAY 9:

“Holding the emotional space”

Creating (leading) from the bottom up - flipping the model from outside in to inside out.

DAY 10:

“Abundance is the Law”

Creating designs from nothing to completion, a true “how-to.”

DAY 11:

“It already IS”

What is the truth, that you refuse to accept about knowing “I AM?” 

DAY 12:

“Are you the clay or potter?”

The power of our thoughts can become our “Prisons” or “Passions” 

DAY 13:

"The Days of Days”

If you wish harmony in your world, you must create from and BE harmonious inside your heart, mind and body.   

DAY 14:


 Looking back at how far we’ve come and LIVE Q&A

“Travis taught me how to coexist with fear, embrace challenges and seize opportunities that were out of reach before.” 

Chris Stroud PGA TOUR 2006 – 2012

"I've had an amazing experience with Travis, he has given me life tools to continually work on architecting myself."

Shaun Hack The Bearded Entrepreneur

Chris Stroud PGA TOUR 2006 – 2018

Shaun Hack The Bearded Entrepreneur

we really want to make sure

you have everything you need

When you act now, you'll also receive customized worksheets and exercises created by my private team to get you started in knowing how to speak your audience’s language. ...

 absolutely FREE! (WORTH $47)

Because this is a chance to sit back and reflect on the questions that very few people take the time to answer… and no one in their right mind should want to put that off for tomorrow!

Honestly… I Don’t. All I can tell you is that Jumpstart has helped 10’S OF THOUSANDS do away with the objections they once were limited by, and allowed them to live truly fulfilling lives by viewing everything through the lens of their own personal passions. With that said, if Jumpstart fails to deliver what it has for thousands of others, I will refund every penny, cause at the end of the day I don’t want to sell you something that YOU don’t need.

Because I believe it is my personal mission to help as many people remove the self-sabatoging habits that prevent them from living their lives ON THEIR TERMS! $197 is LITERALLY what it costs to advertise Jumpstart, and since it is comprised of pre-recorded videos, I see no need to raise that price in order to make a profit off of a smaller group of people.

YES! Whether it’s your business, your relationships or your lifelong purpose, the key denominator is YOU! I can personally testify that prioritizing the aspects of my life by my passions has allowed me to grow in every facet of life, building better businesses, deeper relationships, and allowing me to clarify what it is I really want out of this life!

 © 2023 Been Cookin Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved

“Travis taught me how to coexist with fear, embrace challenges and seize opportunities that were out of reach before.” 

Chris Stroud PGA TOUR 2006 – 2012

"I've had an amazing experience with Travis, he has given me life tools to continually work on architecting myself."

Shaun Hack The Bearded Entrepreneur

Chris Stroud PGA TOUR 2006 – 2018

Shaun Hack The Bearded Entrepreneur

don't take it from me

hear What My Students Are Saying!

- John Mendoza

- Kelly Shallman

- Shane Trujillo

- Mike Cruz